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Johansen Individualised Auditory Stimulation Programme (JIAS)

The goal of the  programme is to improve an individual's ability to process auditory information and, as a result, improve their overall communication and learning abilities.

The following are examples of areas of difficulty that you might find with an individual who might benefit from a JIAS assessment:

  • Immature speech sounds and/or language development

  • Poor concentration

  • Difficulty following instructions

  • Doesn’t always respond when their name is called

  • Problems seem worse when there is background noise

  • Struggles to develop or maintain relationships with peers

  • There is a history of glue ear

  • There is a family history of specific learning difficulties


The Johansen Individualized Auditory Stimulation (IAS) assessment is a tool used to assess an individual's listening skills and provide customized auditory stimulation to improve those skills.

The IAS assessment involves presenting various auditory stimuli to the individual, such as tones and speech sounds, and recording their responses. Based on the individual's responses, the audiologist can identify areas of auditory processing that may be weak and customize a listening program that is tailored to their specific needs. The listening program typically involves listening to specially designed music that has been modified to include specific frequencies and rhythms that can help improve auditory processing skills. A programme that isn’t individualised can also be created, if there is a reason why the audiogram cannot be given.

The listening program is typically administered over a period of several weeks or months and is closely monitored by the audiologist to ensure that it is effective and tailored to the individual's needs. The IAS assessment and listening program can be used for both children and adults with various auditory processing disorders or difficulties. A case history is needed, and there are a variety of questionnaires to be completed as part of the assessment. 


Please visit the Johansen IAS website to see certifed providers, including myself:

If you would like to find out more about what I do and whether it would be suitable, please reach out to me on or call or message on 07813 623 428.

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